About Us
Wini Morgan wrote the following story in 2001. We hope you enjoy the history of how we began and have continued to this day.
It all began not far down the road from the present-day Garfield Grange located a short distance off Divers on Porter Road. The year was 1921. New families were moving in all the time. The land was good for growing fruit. A farmer in 1914 could expect to make $100.00 per acre from prunes.
A few of the women decided to meet at one of the homes, bringing their mending or sewing. It was an opportunity to socialize and get to know one another. Many pairs of socks were darned during the get together, which occurred every other week; hence, the name "Skip-A-Week."
With the new families moving in, the ladies saw a need to help these folks, some with babies or expecting. The making of baby quilts Was soon added to their sewing duties, The women would take turns having the small group meet at their homes. The hostess would provide lunch or snacks and children were often in Some old record books and pictures still exist.
Dues were collected 50 cents a year to join. As the years passed by the ladies began making quilts for themselves and later the Friendship Quilts for one another, a real treasure. In the fifties the dues were raised to $ 1.00 a year, which remains to this day.
In 1921 the Model T Ford could still be seen on the road and the Model A was soon to follow in 1927. Garfield became a community with its own post office and school. Prune orchards dotted the landscape so prune dryers were built. As many as 19 prune dryers were in the area. Sawmills were set up to supply the local people with needed lumber.
In 1921 steps were being taken to replace the board sidewalks in Estacada with gravel and some with pavement. The weekly Oregonian, delivered by mail, was 75 cents per year. At The Peoples' Store coffee sold for 45 cents per one-pound can. The telephone company began to connects lines and establish a service from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, with emergency service all night. The monthly charge for rural subscribers was 25 cents.
The famous Estacada Hotel was still going and the local Eastern Clackamas News report, "April 21, 1921. The Garfield Sewing club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Lemon.
The year is now 2016. The Skip-A-Week club is celebrating its 95th year. We have grown to about 76 members. Some years back we saw the need to meet every week. More space and a permanent gathering place was needed. The Garfield Grange met our needs and they were gracious enough to rent space to the club at low cost. The then members began using the Garfield Grange as their regular meeting place.
Leona Campanella is credited for starting our annual quilt show, this year marking our 20th. Skip-A-Week’s members not only do quilting, but also donate their time to many community projects.
The Men folk have been there for us, too, especially at quilt show time. We thank all the men wholeheartedly! They are wonderful to help, and we appreciate their man power without them we could not put on such a good show.
A few of the early quilt members still have descendants living in the area, so their names live on at Skip-A-Week. Like their mothers and grandmothers, they too, are quilters. The fellowship and love of quilts goes on every week and how we and the men folk enjoy those potlucks days.
The charter members of this group are long since passed, but not forgotten.
Written by: Wini Morgan in 2001 (Current year and member numbers updated)